
1Chase your goals  要有目標去追求

Keep smile 要經常保持微笑

Share your joy 要學會和別人一去塊分享喜悅

4Happy to help people 要樂於助人

5Keep  childlike innocence 保持一顆童真的心

6Learn to get along well 要學會和各種人愉快地相處

7No frighten 要能處變不驚

8A sense of humor 保持幽默感

9Forgive 要能寬恕他人

10Have some confidants 要有幾個知心的朋友

11Work together with people, and enjoy it ! 常和他人保持合作,並從中獲得樂趣

12Enjoy your family happiness 要會享受你的天倫之樂

13With a greatly self-confidence 保持高度的自信心

14Respect the small and weak尊重弱者

15Have your fling 偶爾也放縱自己一下

16Go to internet 有空上網瞧瞧

17With bravery 具有膽識和勇氣

18At last, DO NOT be befuddled by a craving for wealth  最後,不要財迷心竅